It is 5.34am in the morning
having my breakfast..then online..
coz company..
roomate aldy moves all her stuff out from this room
she finally gone
I stay alone..with an empty bed.. s more freedom for me..
and many space to place my stuff..hoho
mm..Rain KepT oN dRopIng..
FelT so cOLd..eVerYday gEt a Flu..LikE wAna gEt sICk dy..
wHOLe dAy wE aRe waITIng fOr tHe lecTURers tO cOMe in..
bUt nONe oF tHEm aRe cOMIng..
luCKLily we haVEnt leAVe oUr rOOm..hehe
conSIDer as pLAyin trUAnt ba..
eRm..tHen huIXin n keJUn cAMe by
aSk us weTher wANa gO oUt oR nOt
tHen pLAn3..inCLUdin mE, eGG, n Yee..wE gO jusCO
hoho..aFTer a lONg shOPing..wE sTOp by fOr diNNer..
tHen sIt fOr 2 hOUrs..chATing~
qUite crAZee haNGIn oUt lIKe dIs..
lOng tIMe diN gO sHoPIng wIt a gROup oF gAls LIke dIS..
vERy hEpy..
eRm, wE aRRived coLLEge nEArly 11pm..
wa..luCKily we ManaGed tO rUSh bACk..
otHErwIse dUNo wHEre tO sLEEp lo~~
eRm..wHen paSS by tHe 望妻亭..
saW siFu waTChin siMou waLk bAck tO hOStel..
haha..juSt liKe the kiOsk s naME..
tHen he sAw me..
wHen i StEp in rOOm.. he Msg..
crAPping fOr a wHIle thEn saY nITe lo==
so Wuliao~
hMM..wHole daY like dIs..
Like noTHing tO do..noThing tO woRRy
aCtLy wE goT manY tEsts waITin fOR us at The DEATH rOad~
6 sOngs, 1 keyboard sCaLes + sight pLAyin,
1 GuiTar scAles..alSo sighT pLAyin Like KIllin me~~
dUno wat eXam is dIS..
liKe taKin our LivEs..
aNYway..teSt is NEar..n sOOn aLso..
23rd juSt 2 wEEks leh~
mUSt pRacTise vEry10 haRd lo~~